Phototicket Download
Phototicket Download
Fruit & Vege
Meat & Deli
Independent Supermarkets, Convenience & Fresh Food Retailers
Windows Only Not suitable for Apple Mac or Andriod based operating systems

Australian Country of Origin Labelling
In-store Price Ticketing
Deadline for compliance was July 1st 2018
Create compliant price ticketing, in-store, simply and economically with Phototicket

The deadline for new Country of Origin ticketing compliance has passed.
On 1st July 2016, the new Country of Origin Food Labelling Information Standard came into effect under Australian Consumer Law (ACL) with a 2 year compliance deadline.
This law requires all Priority Foods to carry the "The Mark" on or near them, in relation to Country of Origin, for example, on a price ticket.
Examples of Priority foods include Fruit and Vege, Pork, Beef,Veal, Lamb, Hogget, Mutton, Chicken, Deli Lines, Seafood and/or products made from these.

The good news is that Phototicket has a simple, cost effective solution.
Watch this short video to find out how
Non-compliance with the Standard and the ACL
The ACCC is urging businesses to review their Country of Origin labelling now!
Businesses must still ensure that any country of origin representation made is not false, misleading or deceptive.
Non-compliance is likely to contravene the ALC (Australian Consumer Law)
The ACCC will be actively monitoring compliance.
Maximum financial penalty for a breach of the ACL is $1.1 million for a corporate body and $220,000 for a person.
To the best of our knowledge the examples used above and information we have provided is correct. Phototicket is not qualified to, nor does it purport to give legal advise in relation to origin labelling requirements.
Individual businesses remain responsible for determining whether their labels comply with the new requirements.
If you are unsure, it might be wise to seek independent legal counsel.
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